Can't wait for our baby girl!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcome to the world baby girl!

I can't believe our baby girl is 4 weeks old today.
It seems like yesterday we were checking into the hospital for me to be induced.  Lets rewind back to August 26th...I was scheduled to be induced Thursday evening, Dustin and I checked in to the hospital at 6:30pm we were very excited.  Although after waiting in the waiting room for almost and hour until the nurse came our and told us I wasn't supposed to be there until 8pm, we were disappointed.  The nurse told us to go get some dinner and come back at 9pm and my room should be ready.  So we went to Brass Ring and had an old time favorite, the 'lazy wing' yummy!  A little after 9 we returned to the hospital and my room was ready...the excitement started all over again.  The night shift nurse came in and asked a million questions and had me sign a few papers, then the fun began, she had to stick my 2 twice to get my IV started...that was no fun.  Then she gave me the cervidil to thin my cervix and help start get the labor process going, that stayed in all night and would be followed by the pitocin drip Friday morning @ 6am.  I was able to get some rest and Dustin did too on the worlds most uncomfortable pull out couch...thank goodness he can sleep on anything!  6am came very quick and I had been anticipating some sort of progress...The nurse checked me and I had not dilated at all, she started the pitocin drip which got the contractions going and I was praying that it would really get the process 10am the Dr. came to check me and I had only progressed to 1/2cm.  he said he could break my water, but if he did and I didn't continue to progress the end result could have ended with a c-section.  I had decided I didn't want an epidural since the day I new I was pregnant, so the doctor said to let the pitocin drip go until 5pm and he would be back to check me again.  That time rolled around and still nothing, so he said lets try the cervidil again.  I was able to eat dinner before the gave me the cervidil again which was great cause it had almost been 24hrs. since I last ate!  After getting the cervidil I just relaxed in bed a little nervous as what to expect.  6am Saturday morning came the nurse checked me and she said my cervix was completely thinned out and I was about 1 whole centimeter.  I was soo excited!  The pitocin drip started about 6:30 am and was shortly followed by more intense contractions that the day before.  My nurse said the doctor would be in to check me around 10.  At 10:30 the contractions were way more intense and I was irritable and wanted the doctor there right that minute to check me, lol but he was in an emergency surgery.  So I asked the nurse if she would check to see if there was any progress, she did and I was 2cm, woohoo!!!  At this point we knew the pitocin was working and I just wanted the doctor get there already so he could break my water.  As I sat watching the clock and breathing through each contraction that was about 3 minutes apart I was praying that maybe my water would break on it's own.  That didn't happen and the doctor finally showed up at 1:15 which at this point I was out of the bed sitting on a birthing ball trying to ease the pain of each contraction which were 2 minutes apart at this point and extremely intense and painful.  I kept telling myself after each contraction..."If I made it through that last one I can do this", with no epidural that is.  So I climbed back in the bed so the doctor could check me and break my water...I was still 2 cm.  My best friend Alyssa had told me that the contractions get worse once my water was soon as that happened I asked the nurse for some pain medication.  It didn't take away an ounce of pain, but it relaxed me and made my eyelids so heavy I couldn't open my eyes.  At this point the contractions were about 1 minute apart and I was really hurting, but continued to breath my way through each one while squeezing the crap out of Dustin's hand and the bed rail!  The nurse checked me again and I had gone from 2cm to 6cm and I started getting the urge to push with each contraction.   At this point I was thinking, "holy cow, this is really happening!"  Then I was 8cm and couldn't hold back the urge to push.  Mean while my doctor was stuck in traffic and not at the hospital.  The nurse just kept telling me not to push yet and the doctor would be there shortly.  Well I couldn't hold back and apparently Jaelyn was ready to enter this world...I yelled out "I need to push!" and I did.  The doctor came running down the hall into my room and all I remember him saying was "I'm going to check you...oh wow there's the baby's head!" The nurse said I could push...2 pushes and our baby girl was here!  I couldn't believe it was all over, yet I was very thankful that my labor was short and I wasn't pushing for hours.  It all happened so quickly from the doctor breaking my water at 1:15pm and Jaelyn being born at 2:45pm.  Dustin wasn't able to cut the umbilical cord because it was around her neck, but she was okay...I could hear her cry and what a beautiful sound that was.
I was very thankful for all the support I had while in labor, My wonderful hubby, best friend Alyssa, my sister, mom and mother-in-law.

Date of Birth: August 28th 2:45pm 6lbs. 15oz. 19 3/4"